Thursday, January 28, 2016

Water is essential for the maintenance of the vital functions of the body, but what role in weight loss? To "drink more water" has always been one of the recommendations of nutritionists to achieve and maintain a balanced weight. Slimming could be explained by the fact that water "has filled the belly" leading to a sense of satiety. Replaces drinks high in sugar, it retains more active during exercise and removes toxins that slow down your metabolism. But the importance of these factors is compared relative to another element confirmed by clinical research: thermogenesis, that is, the heat production of the organism.

In 2003, a study carried out in Germany also analyzed the effect of water on the metabolic rate, ie the rate at which calories are "burned" for energy. The researchers found that drinking two glasses of water (500 ml) at room temperature (22 degrees) per day increases by 30 percent the metabolic rate of both men and women involved in the study. The increase begins 10 minutes after drinking and reaches its peak after 30-40 minutes. And scholars have noted that for most of this effect is due to the fact that the water is brought from 22 to 37 degrees. A difference between males and females was observed in the "fuel" used for thermogenesis: fats and carbohydrates in men and women. In 2007, the same research center has performed another control study, which confirmed the positive effect of the water on the metabolism.

In 2011, an Israeli team found a similar effect in male children (between 8 and 11 years) are overweight. It noted an average increase of 25 percent in metabolic rate after the boys had been drinking water "cold" (4 degrees Celsius), the effect began within 24 minutes of ingestion and it lasted an average of 40. In addition to the effect thermogenic, researchers suggest a role of "metabolic boost" of muscles resulting in hydration.

Generally, in fact, in overweight people muscle tissue tends to be less hydrated and therefore less active from the metabolic point of view; consequently, change this state can encourage greater burning of calories. Even in obese women thermogenic response appears to be greater than in those of normal weight. One Polish study of 2012 has indeed found an increased metabolic rate by 20 percent in the first, against an increase of 12 in the second.

In all of the studies cited, the water ingested on an empty stomach had a short-term effect on the metabolism (between the half hour and hour). For this it is suggested to drink plenty of water several times, for example 500 ml four times a day for a total of two gallons (about eight glasses), can quadruple the energy expenditure. It was not yet evaluated the effect that you would get by drinking more frequently less water, although this might be helpful to those who find it difficult having to ingest higher doses. It must, however, warn, in this regard, that excessive amounts can have side effects, especially for those with heart or kidney problems. In addition, if, as assumed, also the hydration muscle plays a role in the consumption of calories, water can be beneficial to metabolism regardless of the manner in which it is taken.

The effect "slimming" water certainly can not be compared to that of diet and physical activity, but it is an important contribution, and it is clear that drink in adequate amounts helps us lose weight. A good motivation to achieve the goal of eight glasses a day and benefit from all the health benefits that the water has to offer. (...)

So, thanks to the water can accelerate the effects of a low calorie diet, losing weight more quickly and mitigate the sense of hunger. So much so that, without exaggeration, we can speak of a real water diet. The recommendations are only two basic and very simple: drink 8-10 glasses of water distributed throughout the day and always before meals, and prefer foods rich in liquids, vegetables and fruits in the first place.

Water is in fact the dietary food for excellence does not bring calories, has a draining function that helps us eliminate toxins and waste products, also has a satiating power: drink two glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner allows us to achieve a sense of satiety more quickly during the meal (the effect is even more pronounced in the case in which the drink sparkling water).

They showed several scientific research, one of all the one conducted in 2010 by Brenda Davy, a professor of human nutrition at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Virginia) and published in "Obesity". A randomized trial, in which fifty people followed the same low-calorie weight-loss diet for three months, half of those who drank two glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner lost on average more than 2 pounds of those who had not been advised to drink (in particular, the former have lost an average of 6 pounds and 4 seconds), reducing caloric intake of each meal from 75 to 90 kilocalories.

The researchers also found that the results: those who continued the habit the following year lost an average of an additional kilogram, unlike the others who have recovered one.

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