Thursday, April 14, 2016

The question that many women ask themselves is: caffeine can promote weight loss? It 'a safe natural stimulant for weight loss?

If you've wondered what are the positive and negative effects of caffeine and you've heard of this stimulating as an aid for weight loss, in this article we will talk about this. What is the truth?

There are hundreds of studies that examine the various benefits and negative effects of caffeine on health, sometimes stating that caffeine is a substance for the most beneficial while others argue that it would be avoided.

In this article, we analyzed the different foods and rim points where it is most limited, the possible positive and negative effects it can have on the body and the recommended daily intake for an adult.

Now let's see the part about the diet, we find out what's true in caffeine and weight loss combination, if it is true and how, caffeine can help us, women to lose a bit 'of extra pounds.

Some suggest using the coffee or other caffeinated beverages to promote weight loss.

A basic truth is, the caffeine alone, as other products known as food or bevante fat burning or stimulating metabolic activity are not miraculous, but it can actually help so still marginal, loss of body weight.

How caffeine can make it less heavy the efforts we make to lose weight? What happens?

The intake of caffeine in the recommended doses has a stimulating effect on the metabolism and not just here are the major benefits given by caffeine intake:

suppresses appetite
increases metabolism
increases fat burning
increases the action thermogenic
increases the benefits of exercise
The daily caloric expenditure is determined by three fundamental factors, the basal metabolic rate, digestion and sport.

The basal metabolic rate represents about 50-75 percent of the daily calories burned, it is the energy that only consume to be alive, without the use of calories to movement.

The actual metabolic rate can be influenced by many things, is determined by genetic factors, and generally speaking, the actual metabolic rate of a person can be influenced by many things such as feeding, if you follow a strict diet and too there is no food for an extended period, the metabolic rate slows down, which is why after a restrictive diet prolonged the basal metabolic rate can slow down by 15-20%. To deepen the argument balanced diet to lose weight click here.

What does that mean? The body needs fewer calories to maintain vital functions, always requires fewer calories to function and the person you will be forced to lower the calories consumed more and more, making the diet unbearable. Continuous data from sgarra food too hungry will have a negative impact on weight, with the result that will recover all the lost pounds with interest because of slow metabolism.

This means that to lose or gain weight caloric expenditure data from only basal metabolism is greatly important, so on the contrary, to lose a few extra pounds would be enough to act even just the main factor affecting the daily calorie consumption: then the basal metabolism.

With a practical example, we can say that a person who has a baseline of 1,300 calories metabolism if you could increase by 10-20%, would lead to burning from 190 to 260 calories a day more total.

Caffeine actually has the power to increase a bit 'metabolic rate which in turn makes you burn more calories in the evening.

As it increases the basal metabolic rate? Small increases in metabolic rate cause the body to release energy as heat and the use of caffeine also raises the basal metabolism by 15-20%, so you tend to lose weight.

Even when the energy expenditure differences are very small, in the long run they can make a big difference on body weight. Just 100 calories less every day that are not being filled with food, could lead to a substantial weight loss in the long run. To know more about calories and weight loss read here.

100 calories less for 365 days a year means - 36,500 calories in a year and this means -4 pounds

With the ingestion of caffeine, you start a process called lipolysis, the body releases fatty acids in the blood, this happens because the body attacks its fat stores for energy, and caffeine helps burn fat by stimulating metabolism.

Digestion represents about 10% of the energy that is consumed when taking the food.

Caffeine is a stimulant that creates a thermogenic response, it means that your metabolism will speed up and make you burn more calories by raising the body calories, the same increase in internal temperature that occurs with digestion, but it is not enough if it hopes to lose weight because of it.

Foods and thermogenic substances raise the metabolism, increasing body heat and accelerating the heartbeat, the result? They will burn more calories.

Caffeine is one of the foods with the thermogenic effect more pronounced as spicy foods, chili, cayenne, guarana and the same ice-cold water, but the negative effects of too much caffeine may outweigh the benefits of thermogenesis and any other positive aspect that may result.

The most important beneficial effect is the ability to increase the energy consumption during exercise. After a coffee training seems easier, stretch the running session will be more challenging helping you do more. To deepen the thermogenic fat burning topic read here.

Sport affects from the calorie consumption 15-40% on calories burned, and includes any movement, so including the path, training, and everyday motions.

An immediate boost of energy and attention is the feeling that we all know and feel after a nice coffee or even better, after an energy drink containing caffeine. This stimulating action increases the attention, it can be more awake and alert, then removed temporarily drowsiness and allows you to burn extra calories by doing more activities.

A small dose of caffeine before exercise in the gym can make a difference when you are tired, do reluctantly sports is never a good thing if you want to get the most from training.
This means that caffeine can be a help for you to give the 100% during training and that means more physical work, more calories burned during exercise and faster physical results.

The caffeine may slightly increase the weight loss, but there is no certain proof that demonstrates that caffeine alone has increased the results in terms of weight loss.

The concept of the connection between caffeine and weight regulation is uncertain, what is known is that it suppresses the appetite, reducing the desire to eat, even if them for a short time and there is no evidence for a long-term action.

This does not always happen in some people after a coffee or after a drink containing caffeine, increases stomach acid, thus producing a sensation similar to the hunger that drives us to eat something "soften" the feeling of acidity.

Thus, in some people, the caffeine delays the onset of hunger and caffeine before meals reduces the amount of food required to feel the sensation of satiety. To take advantage of the "slimming" ability of caffeine and help you eat less, you should take it about 15 minutes before starting the meal.

As stated by the National Institutes of Health, caffeine is also a diuretic, pushes the body to remove fluids, but not a great thirst quencher and could cause dehydration.

It 'good to clear that losing weight through diuresis, so thanks to the elimination of fluids from the body means absolutely lose weight. Taking caffeine will cause the loss of a bit 'of water, but you're not losing fat, so you may not be more streamlined, using caffeine in this way is not only unhealthy but dangerous.

Of how much caffeine I need to boost your metabolism?
People react to caffeine in different ways, each of us tolerate a different caffeine dose, the dose of caffeine that an individual can tolerate varies according to age, body mass, health and establish the exact dose that works for everyone is a bit 'too hard.

Some people drink a cup of coffee after dinner and have a hard time falling asleep while others even if they drink coffee just before going to sleep do not feel almost no effect.

You can get your daily dose of caffeine (set by scientific research to a maximum of 300 to 400 milligrams a day) from espresso, mocha coffee, American coffee, energy drinks, cola, tea, dark chocolate, hot chocolate, food supplements (especially aimed at weight loss) and in a small percentage also in the decaffeinated coffee (2-5 mg) against 85 mg of a normal coffee.

Coffee has much more caffeine than a cup of tea or a chocolate god, but it is difficult to determine with certainty the amount of caffeine that you take every day, but we can say that a cup of coffee can contain from 85 to 125 mg of caffeine, a cup of tea about 80-100 mg per cup (200 ml) and a cup of hot chocolate about 6 mg (250 g).

So caffeine can help you lose a few extra pounds but it can also hinder weight loss if we do these errors:

Sweeten too much coffee each (one packet of sugar makes 30 kcal, if we take 4 coffee a day we take 120 calories, this means +840 kcal per week!)

drinking too many energy drinks and cola
drinking too many drinks containing coffee like cappuccino, coffee stained with milk or with the addition of cream
Drinking too much coffee "special" with the addition of chocolate that has a high calorie, high in calories and fat
accompany coffee and tea with cookies, donuts, cake slices etc ...
So it depends on the type of coffee you drink, a cup of black coffee without sugar has only 2 calories and is fat-free, sweetened with Stevia if not improve final calories but if added with extra ingredients such as sugar, chocolate, milk and cream means you hire so many extra calories!

Look at how many calories a tablespoon of these "extras" that you can at the cafe, because when you are dieting you count all the calories, even those of beverages:

Sugar: 20 calories
sabayon: 50 calories
chocolate spread: 45-50 calories
If at the time you do not drink coffee, you do not need to start ingesting it to boost your metabolism, you can get a good result in terms of weight loss with proper nutrition and fitness sessions at least three times a week, but if you drink coffee regularly, the good news is that there is no need to stop because it allows you to have more energy in the gym, stimulates lipolysis and increases metabolism, just do it in moderation (400 mg or less)!

Too much caffeine may cause nervousness, insomnia, nausea, increased blood pressure and other problems, but if taken moderately, in these doses, caffeine is generally safe.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.


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