Saturday, January 30, 2016

The drinks generally have specific properties when dieting. Within these drinks, smoothies have an important role. Through them, you can get different properties to lose extra pounds, at low volume.

To lose weight in a healthy way is important to take all the resources that will help you achieve this goal. Of all the existing resources, the shakes are the ideal alternative.

Because smoothies are good for weight loss?

Combine different slimming. A clear example of this is the mixture of protein and fiber. This gives detoxifying properties provided by fresh fruit; dried fruit and oat bran, sating properties provided by all the foods that contain fat burning properties and provided by foods rich in protein; represented by milk. You add all these advantages is low calorie.

The shakes or smoothies provide a variety of foods in low volume. This causes a series of reactions in the body that reduces hunger and promotes satiety. For this reason they are ideal to drink between meals or breakfast because they provide energy, nutrients and remove hunger.

They can replace a meal. There are protein shakes, both home and commercial use, that are made with the aim of replacing a main meal. These smoothies are generally high in protein preparations, and aim to increase your metabolism and burn fat faster. A clear example is this smoothie natural way to lose weight fast.

Stimulate intestinal transit. In many cases, constipation is a complication which is associated with overweight. To fight and lose weight, shakes are ideal. Why? As you can prepare with high-fiber foods that stimulate intestinal transit. They are also ideal because these preparations do not cause stimuli that irritate the intestinal mucosa because they provide fiber is broken.

They are energetic and low in calories. Smoothies can provide the energy supplied from fruits and vegetables, but in turn they are low in calories, because these foods are of low caloric value. These features are ideal to drink during breakfast.

If you want to reap the benefits of smoothies liquefied and / or diet it is important to have in mind what ingredients you need to use. Come on, prepare! They are a great natural resource and tasty diet.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Water is essential for the maintenance of the vital functions of the body, but what role in weight loss? To "drink more water" has always been one of the recommendations of nutritionists to achieve and maintain a balanced weight. Slimming could be explained by the fact that water "has filled the belly" leading to a sense of satiety. Replaces drinks high in sugar, it retains more active during exercise and removes toxins that slow down your metabolism. But the importance of these factors is compared relative to another element confirmed by clinical research: thermogenesis, that is, the heat production of the organism.

In 2003, a study carried out in Germany also analyzed the effect of water on the metabolic rate, ie the rate at which calories are "burned" for energy. The researchers found that drinking two glasses of water (500 ml) at room temperature (22 degrees) per day increases by 30 percent the metabolic rate of both men and women involved in the study. The increase begins 10 minutes after drinking and reaches its peak after 30-40 minutes. And scholars have noted that for most of this effect is due to the fact that the water is brought from 22 to 37 degrees. A difference between males and females was observed in the "fuel" used for thermogenesis: fats and carbohydrates in men and women. In 2007, the same research center has performed another control study, which confirmed the positive effect of the water on the metabolism.

In 2011, an Israeli team found a similar effect in male children (between 8 and 11 years) are overweight. It noted an average increase of 25 percent in metabolic rate after the boys had been drinking water "cold" (4 degrees Celsius), the effect began within 24 minutes of ingestion and it lasted an average of 40. In addition to the effect thermogenic, researchers suggest a role of "metabolic boost" of muscles resulting in hydration.

Generally, in fact, in overweight people muscle tissue tends to be less hydrated and therefore less active from the metabolic point of view; consequently, change this state can encourage greater burning of calories. Even in obese women thermogenic response appears to be greater than in those of normal weight. One Polish study of 2012 has indeed found an increased metabolic rate by 20 percent in the first, against an increase of 12 in the second.

In all of the studies cited, the water ingested on an empty stomach had a short-term effect on the metabolism (between the half hour and hour). For this it is suggested to drink plenty of water several times, for example 500 ml four times a day for a total of two gallons (about eight glasses), can quadruple the energy expenditure. It was not yet evaluated the effect that you would get by drinking more frequently less water, although this might be helpful to those who find it difficult having to ingest higher doses. It must, however, warn, in this regard, that excessive amounts can have side effects, especially for those with heart or kidney problems. In addition, if, as assumed, also the hydration muscle plays a role in the consumption of calories, water can be beneficial to metabolism regardless of the manner in which it is taken.

The effect "slimming" water certainly can not be compared to that of diet and physical activity, but it is an important contribution, and it is clear that drink in adequate amounts helps us lose weight. A good motivation to achieve the goal of eight glasses a day and benefit from all the health benefits that the water has to offer. (...)

So, thanks to the water can accelerate the effects of a low calorie diet, losing weight more quickly and mitigate the sense of hunger. So much so that, without exaggeration, we can speak of a real water diet. The recommendations are only two basic and very simple: drink 8-10 glasses of water distributed throughout the day and always before meals, and prefer foods rich in liquids, vegetables and fruits in the first place.

Water is in fact the dietary food for excellence does not bring calories, has a draining function that helps us eliminate toxins and waste products, also has a satiating power: drink two glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner allows us to achieve a sense of satiety more quickly during the meal (the effect is even more pronounced in the case in which the drink sparkling water).

They showed several scientific research, one of all the one conducted in 2010 by Brenda Davy, a professor of human nutrition at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Virginia) and published in "Obesity". A randomized trial, in which fifty people followed the same low-calorie weight-loss diet for three months, half of those who drank two glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner lost on average more than 2 pounds of those who had not been advised to drink (in particular, the former have lost an average of 6 pounds and 4 seconds), reducing caloric intake of each meal from 75 to 90 kilocalories.

The researchers also found that the results: those who continued the habit the following year lost an average of an additional kilogram, unlike the others who have recovered one.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Essential oils are not an obvious choice to help you lose weight. But they can be very useful. You can use these essential oils rather than the use of drugs or supplements, and there is no doubt that you will get more than enough good results. In addition to these essential oils they are purely natural and that will not bring side effects or damage to your body. The incredible properties beneficiaries nutritional and health of essential oils can keep you healthy and fit. Here are six essential oils that can help you lose weight.

Essential oils for weight loss
1) essential oil of grapefruit:
Grapefruit is full of vitamin C and antioxidants such as lycopene, which can help you lose a bit 'of your weight. These components of grapefruit oil are very good detoxifying agent and maintain our lymphatic system clean. It also promotes the production of an enzyme called glutathione-S-transferase, which is a detoxifying agent and a good protection against cancer.

Grapefruit is rich in d-limonene. This component is a great source of antioxidants and is also anti-inflammatory. They work in our body as a manager of natural weight. Improving the metabolic system in our body, those properties of grapefruit will help you burn fat and lose weight faster. They also maintain the level of cholesterol in our bodies to a minimum.

There are only 42 calories in 10 grams of grapefruit. The fiber present in grapefruit will give your stomach a feeling of fullness. Thus, it will please your appetite and keep your calorie intake, which will help to reduce weight. Also in this case, grapefruit options allow your body to prevent the absorption of carbohydrates unhealthy. It will also burn fat useless.

2) essential oil of peppermint:
Peppermint can work in a two-way effect-if you lose your appetite peppermint can help you get back. On the other hand, if you need for the food too, peppermint can also control the desire for food. Peppermint is a rich source of various nutrients such as potassium, iron, vitamin C, omega-3, etc. These components are very useful in our weight management. Peppermint is a good agent that helps our digestion. You can relieve indigestion and help you digest the proteins and turn them into energy properly, rather than turning them into fat. So peppermint oil can be very useful if you want to lose the extra weight. A drop of peppermint oil after taking a meal can boost your digestion and reduce hunger while giving your stomach a feeling of fullness.

3) Bergamot essential oil:
Bergamot essential oil comes from the Italian citrus. This essential oil is a good stimulant of our endocrine system. And 'rich in polyphenols, which helps increase our metabolism and increase fat reducing ability. Bergamot oil is very helpful in reducing cholesterol. Cholesterol is a great reason for our weight gain and heart problems. Bergamot oil provides an enzyme called HMG-CoA which helps to lower LDL cholesterol in the blood. Reducing the level of LDL cholesterol in the body, bergamot oil leads us to lose our weight.

4) Essential oil of lemon:
Lemon essential oil may increase our digestion process and can improve our metabolism. Like the other two essential oils mentioned above, the essential oil of lemon is also enriched with vitamin C. Vitamin C is a well-known component that helps our metabolic system to break down fats in our bodies and turn them into energy . Lemon essential oil also contains d-limonene, which is a proven metabolism booster.

5) Ginger essential oil:
Ginger is widely used for its warming effects of the body. Care also digestion problems linked. It stimulates the body and helps maintaininsulin level in our body. It reduces our desire for sugar and also decreases our hunger as well as giving our stomach feeling full. This elaborates ginger oil can be very helpful to lose our weight.

6) essential oil of cinnamon:
If you want to lose weight with the use of a natural essential oil, cinnamon is there for you. Eat food mixed with cinnamon can help reduce weight. It gives a feeling to your stomach as it is full. So you eat less and you will get a grip on your calorie intake, which will take you to some weight loss. Managing blood sugar levels and improving blood circulation, it helps to have less sugar cravings. The essential oil of cinnamon is very useful in breaking carbohydrates and also helps the food you take to assimilate with your body perfectly. Then add the essential oil of cinnamon in the meals will certainly help to reduce some 'weight.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.

If you want to get back in shape, it seems that the juice of Aloe Vera is able to perform miracles.

The juice works as a natural antioxidant and thus retards the growth of free radicals in the body, improves and accelerates our metabolism, and also has the laxative properties. All properties that help you lose weight!

But as we never tire of remembering on this site, it is good to rely on the advice of your doctor and proceed with common sense, in order to otter the desired results without breaking your health!

aloe for weight loss

Link: Buy the Aloe juice to start your diet;)

Listed below are some of the effects of intake of Aloe:

Laxative effect - Aloe Vera plant is rich in components that have a beneficial impact on the intestine. Consumption of Aloe Vera juice limits the constipation and keeps stomach healthy. However, you should consult a doctor before consuming aloe vera juice for weight loss, when taken in large amounts, it can cause inflammation.
Increased metabolism - as scientific studies, the juice of the plant Aloe Vera increases metabolism. The regular intake of juice helps to achieve a higher rate of metabolism and thus contribute to weight loss.
Detoxification - The Aloe Vera plant not only helps you lose weight, but also helps in detoxification. Juice affects the digestive system in a positive way and cleans the body. This results in healthy weight loss.
It 'good to pay attention to some aspects, the first to use Aloe to lose weight:

Inform your doctor of your intent to use aloe vera for weight loss. Aloe vera can have drawbacks for some people, as well as some drug interactions.
Start your diet regime with a colon cleanse. Colon cleansing to get rid of toxic waste will help improve your energy level so you can get the most out of your weight loss plan. In order to cleanse the colon with Aloe vera, you can choose from aloe vera juice or capsules taken daily for several weeks.
As always we recommended when you plan to lose weight, adopt a low-fat, low-sugar, low-calorie diet. Consider the choice of organic food to limit the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Work out: a smooth and gradual physical activity is required for weight loss and dispose of the excess pounds, helping your diet aloe.
Tips for Weight Loss with Aloe:

You can use specially designed commercial preparations of aloe vera juice for detoxification drink directly or aloe vera juice. The juice can be mixed with water or fruit juice to make it more pleasing intake.

Aim for a healthy weight, related to your height. Losing weight is a proper goal, but being underweight can be just as dangerous as being overweight.
Abuse of laxatives such as aloe vera can create an eating disorder. Use the solution of aloe vera detoxifying only for the recommended duration.

Side effects related to the assumption of aloe vera are: diarrhea, abdominal cramps, electrolyte imbalances and vitamin deficiencies, among others. If you experience severe or persistent side effects, discontinue use.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The diet to lose 5 kg must be studied very well: for a slimming so incisive, the scheme must necessarily be low-calorie but also varied to avoid that after two days of diet you are not sick of eating the same old things. For this reason, we propose two examples of nutrition programs: the first is metabolic, designed precisely to give a jolt to the metabolism, while the second is the diet of soup, one of the most loved and followed worldwide.

Metabolic Diet: Monday
Monday At breakfast, tea or coffee unsweetened; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits biscuit type; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or unsweetened orange juice. Lunch: 50 g of whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce with a sprinkling of grated cheese; mixed salad of raw vegetables; coffee without sugar. For a snack, a cup of tea or coffee; an Apple. At dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or fresh fruit or whole fruit salad; minestrone or vegetable soup without pasta or rice; 200 g of fish grilled or baked; mixed salad; half sandwich integral (30 g).

Metabolic Diet: Tuesday
Tuesday For breakfast we suggest tea or coffee; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or unsweetened grapefruit juice. Lunch: 160 g of cottage cheese with half sandwich integral (30 g); mixed salad of raw vegetables; a coffee. Snack for a cup of tea or coffee and a pear. Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or fresh fruit whole; minestrone or vegetable soup without pasta or rice; baked with mushrooms; mixed salad; half sandwich integral (30 g).

Metabolic Diet: Wednesday
Wednesday Breakfast: unsweetened tea or coffee; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits biscuit type; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or unsweetened grapefruit juice. Lunch: bean salad; mixed salad of raw vegetables; coffee without sugar. Snack: a cup of tea or coffee; a kiwi. Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or fresh fruit whole; minestrone or vegetable soup without pasta or rice; 2 hard-boiled eggs; mixed salad; half sandwich integral (30 g).

Metabolic Diet: Thursday
Thursday Breakfast: unsweetened tea or coffee; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits biscuit type; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or unsweetened orange juice. Lunch: 50 g of brown rice with vegetables; mixed salad of raw vegetables; coffee unsweetened. Snack: a cup of tea or coffee; an Apple. Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or salad; minestrone or vegetable soup without pasta or rice; fish soup; mixed salad; half sandwich integral (30 g).

Metabolic Diet: Friday
Friday Breakfast: coffee or tea unsweetened; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits biscuit type; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or orange juice. At lunch spaghetti with clams; mixed salad of raw vegetables; a coffee. Snack: a cup of tea or coffee; a kiwi. Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or fresh fruit whole; minestrone or vegetable soup without pasta or rice; 150 g of grilled meat; mixed salad; half sandwich integral (30 g).

Metabolic Diet: Saturday
Saturday Breakfast: unsweetened tea or coffee; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits biscuit type; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or a grapefruit juice. Lunch: 160 g of light cheese with half sandwich integral (30 g); mixed salad of raw vegetables; a coffee. Snack: a cup of tea or coffee; a pear. Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or fresh fruit whole; minestrone or vegetable soup; 50 g of raw or cooked ham defatted; mixed salad; half wholemeal roll (30g).

Metabolic Diet: Sunday
Sunday Breakfast: tea or coffee unsweetened; 3 or 4 slices wholemeal bread biscuits biscuit type; a glass of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Snack: a fresh fruit or orange juice. Lunch: 50 g of brown rice with artichokes; mixed salad; a coffee. Snack: a cup of tea or coffee; a peach. Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables or fresh fruit whole; minestrone or vegetable soup without pasta or rice; 150 g of turkey breast grilled; mixed salad; half sandwich integral (30 g).

Diet soup Monday
Monday diet for the diet of soup, for breakfast coffee or tea; apples and pears. Unsweetened fruit juice for snack. Lunch soup and apples. Fruit juice to snack. For dinner, soup and pears. Variation: apples and pears provided for may be replaced by any fruit (except grapes and bananas) that can also be cooked or canned without added sugar.

Diet soup: Tuesday
Tuesday diet Breakfast: coffee. Snack: tea. Lunch: soup; beet and chicory or endive or radicchio and broccoli cooked. Snack: tea or coffee. Dinner: vegetable soup; 200 g of boiled potatoes with 10 g of butter Variation: potato with butter can be replaced by 350 grams of cooked mushrooms with 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Diet soup: Wednesday
Wednesday Breakfast: tea or coffee; pears and pineapple. Snack: fruit juice without sugar. Lunch: soup; carrots and artichokes raw or cooked. Snack: fruit juice without sugar. Dinner: vegetable soup; peppers, eggplant and grilled zucchini. Variation: pears and pineapple breakfast can be replaced with any fruit (except bananas and grapes), which can also be cooked or canned without added sugar.

Diet soup: Thursday
Thursday Breakfast: cappuccino made with 200 ml skimmed milk; bananas. Snack: Tea or coffee. Lunch: 200 g of low-fat yogurt; a banana. Snack: tea. Dinner: vegetable soup; a milkshake made with 200 ml of milk and a banana. Variant: 200 g of yoghurt lunch may be replaced by 150 g of cottage cheese or 120 g of mozzarella or blue cheese or caciotta.

Diet soup: Friday
Friday Drink 1.5-2 liters of mineral water. Breakfast: coffee. Snack: tea. Lunch: 300 g of steamed fish (cod, sole, hake); tomatoes. Tea for tea and soup for dinner; 200 g of grilled fish (sea bream, sea bass, turbot). Variants: for lunch you can also opt for 300 g of squid or cuttlefish grilled; dinner, instead, for 150 g of tuna in brine or 100 g smoked salmon.

Diet soup: Saturday
Saturday Breakfast: coffee. Snack: tea. Lunch: one or two steaks of beef or grilled beef; zucchini and fennel steamed. Snack: a healthy centrifuged fruit and vegetables. Dinner: vegetable soup; 300-400 g of roast chicken without skin. Variation: dinner we suggest a recipe light chicken and apple green or you can eat 250 g of roasted turkey.

Diet soup Sunday
Sunday Breakfast: coffee. Snack: fruit juice without sugar. Lunch: 150 g of brown rice with vegetables to taste; asparagus, onions and steamed carrots. Snack: fruit juice. Dinner: vegetable soup; beets and cucumbers.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The soup diet is one of the diets that at least once in their lives all they try, because it is effective, easy to follow and, within a few days, can lose 5 kg, and if prolonged slightly even up to 7 or 8 Kg . A little 'time, in view of the costume fitting for example.

It indicated follow for at least seven days, and can be repeated for the next week but we must be careful not to go further, because it is a low-protein and is uneven: in addition to the fat you also lose muscle due to poor protein intake. It is recommended to those who are overweight and has an action not only slimming also detoxifying, allowing a rebalancing of sugar and fat in the blood.

The first days of the diet of soup are the heaviest but also the most important to lose weight; detoxifying action may cause some discomfort such as headaches or brisk diuresis, for this reason it is recommended to start it on the weekend when you are generally free from commitments. As always for every diet, it should be drunk at least a liter and a half of water a day, which helps eliminate toxins and detoxify.

To verify the results one must weigh the first day that you follow, and then on the fourth day, where we should have already knocked out two or three kg: be careful because if we have lost more at this point, means that kcal we have introduced are too few and therefore it is good to eat a few biscuits for breakfast, for example, or otherwise enrich a bit 'meals with pasta or brown rice. On the seventh day we should have lost about 5 kg.

The soup you can eat forever and, where indicated, the doses of the food must be respected scrupulously. The amount reported in the example of diet soup proposed below relate to raw food, therefore the weight of the food should be checked before any cooking.

First day
Breakfast: coffee or tea; apples and pears
Snack: fruit juice unsweetened
Lunch: soup; apples
Snack: fruit juice unsweetened
Dinner: vegetable soup; pears
Variation: apples and pears provided for may be replaced by any fruit, except grapes and bananas, which can also be cooked or canned without added sugar.

Second day
Breakfast: coffee
Snack: tea
Lunch: soup; beet and chicory or endive and broccoli cooked or radicchioverde
Snack: Tea or coffee
Dinner: vegetable soup; 200 g of boiled potatoes with 10 g of butter
Variant: the potatoes with the butter may be replaced by 350 in mushrooms cooked with 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Third day
Breakfast: tea or coffee; pears and pineapples
Snack: fruit juice without sugar
Lunch: soup; carrots and artichokes raw or cooked
Snack: fruit juice without sugar
Dinner: vegetable soup; peppers, eggplant and grilled zucchini
Variation: pears and pineapple breakfast can be replaced with any fruit (except bananas and grapes), which can also be cooked or canned without added sugar.

Fourth day
Breakfast: cappuccino made with 200 ml skimmed milk; bananas
Snack: Tea or coffee
Lunch: 200 g of low-fat yogurt; a banana
Snack: tea
Dinner: vegetable soup; a milkshake made with 200 ml of milk and a banana
Variant: 200 g yoghurt lunch may be replaced by 150 g of cottage cheese or 120 g of mozzarella or blue cheese or caciotta.

Fifth day
Breakfast: coffee
Snack: tea
Lunch: 300 g of steamed fish (cod, sole, hake); tomatoes
Snack: tea
Dinner: vegetable soup; 200 g of grilled fish (sea bream, sea bass, turbot)
Variants: lunch 300 g of grilled fish can be replaced by 300 g of squid or cuttlefish grilled; dinner 300 g of grilled fish can be replaced with 150 g of tuna in brine or with 100 g smoked salmon

Sixth day
Breakfast: coffee
Snack: tea
Lunch: one or two steaks of beef or grilled beef; zucchini and fennel steamed
Snack: tea
Dinner: vegetable soup; 300-400 g of roast chicken without skin
Variant: a dinner instead of roast chicken you can eat 250 g of roasted turkey.

Seventh day
Breakfast: coffee
Snack: fruit juice without sugar
Lunch: 150 g of brown rice with vegetables to taste; asparagus, onions and steamed carrots
Snack: fruit juice without sugar
Dinner: vegetable soup; beets and cucumbers
Variants: for breakfast you can add 2 slices wholemeal bread with 2 teaspoons of sugar-free jam.
In the maintenance phase of this diet should be reintroduced gradually carbohydrates and protein and should be eaten plenty of fruits and vegetables.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.
How to remedy the extra pounds on the waistline, abdomen, chest and arms.

Diet for women with physical Apple
The apple, in addition to being a great and healthy fruit "no season" is also a term of reference to place a specific type of female physique.

The physical-to-apple belongs to those women who normally have the tendency to gain weight especially in the upper part of the body, for them it is therefore necessary to consider a number of factors, both from the point of view both hormonal food, to try to prevent and in some cases of treating those who may pose a few more pounds.

Constitution Apple
In the physical Apple the fat is placed above the top of the body, then the chest, arms and stomach, while the rest of the body, from the waist down, is proportionate and has no excess fat.
Developments in the time of the constitution Apple
Over time, women with this constitution could see right at the top of their physical increased fat, shoulders and breasts increase in size and damage the image of woman "Juno."
Importance of physical activity
Never forget this fundamental aspect, since only a valid and balanced diet, supported by a good physical activity, can give lasting results over time. Great swimming or cycling, since they are assets aerobic, good also specific exercises for arms and shoulders. For more and more targeted advice you can be found in the article for the physical exercises to apple.

The diet for women with physical Apple

The first rule is to never skip breakfast, suggestion indeed always be followed, regardless of the constitution and the presence or absence of excess pounds. Well associate milk with cereal, preferably low in sugar and grains.
Then break the morning and afternoon with a seasonal fruit or a salad of berries, ideal to stimulate circulation, or pineapple, draining naturally, adding, and never forgetting, the right amount of water or healthy drinks such as green tea. As a snack it will also go very well, in addition to the aforementioned fruit, also seasonal vegetables.
Things to avoid sugary drinks such as fruit juices and carbonated ones, rich sometimes also of dyes.
Foods to avoid
Things to avoid sugary drinks such as fruit juices ele carbonated drinks rich, sometimes, also of dyes.
In addition, to avoid the foods are particularly rich in sugars, excess refined grains and saturated fats or hydrogenated fats.

A cup of low-fat milk with whole grains, fruit or citrus juice alternating with salad of berries.

Sea bass or sea bream baked with seasonal vegetables, such as warm salad beard monk with lemon and extra virgin olive oil, a piece of bread, preferably wholemeal. A seasonal fruit.

Roast veal served with baked potatoes and rosemary. Fennel salad with lemon or vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. A seasonal fruit salad or strawberries.

Snack suitable
The salads berries are ideal to stimulate circulation, while the pineapple is draining naturally. As a snack will go very well, in addition to the aforementioned fruit, also seasonal vegetables.

If you find the best diet guide. I highly recommended the 3 weeks diet.